Module-level declarations


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entity asset
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entity balance
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struct xfer_input
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function _get_asset_balances(account_id: byte_array): list<(id: byte_array, name: text, amount: integer, chain_id: byte_array)>
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function _transfer(inputs: list<xfer_input>, outputs: list<xfer_output>)
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@extendable function after_transfer(inputs: list<xfer_input>, outputs: list<xfer_output>)
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@extendable function before_transfer(inputs: list<xfer_input>, outputs: list<xfer_output>)
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function consume_input(i: xfer_input, idx: integer, assets: map<asset, integer>)
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function deduct_balance(account: account, asset: asset, d_amount: integer)
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function ensure_balance(account: account, asset: asset): balance
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function process_transfer_output(o: xfer_output, idx: integer, available_assets: map<asset, integer>)
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function register_asset(name: text, issuing_chain_rid: byte_array): asset


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@mount("ft3.get_all_assets") query get_all_assets(): list<(id: byte_array, name: text, issuing_chain_rid: byte_array)>
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@mount("ft3.get_asset_balance") query get_asset_balance(account_id: byte_array, asset_id: byte_array): (id: byte_array, name: text, amount: integer, chain_id: byte_array)?
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@mount("ft3.get_asset_balances") query get_asset_balances(account_id: byte_array): list<(id: byte_array, name: text, amount: integer, chain_id: byte_array)>
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@mount("ft3.get_asset_by_id") query get_asset_by_id(asset_id: byte_array): (id: byte_array, name: text, issuing_chain_rid: byte_array)
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@mount("ft3.get_asset_by_name") query get_asset_by_name(name: text): list<(id: byte_array, name: text, issuing_chain_rid: byte_array)>
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@mount("ft3.get_blockchain_info") query get_blockchain_info(): (name: text, website: text, description: text, rate_limit_active: boolean, rate_limit_max_points: integer, rate_limit_recovery_time: integer, rate_limit_points_at_account_creation: integer)
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@mount("ft3.get_payment_history") query get_payment_history(account_id: byte_array, after_block: integer): list<(delta: integer, asset: text, asset_id: byte_array, is_input: boolean, timestamp: integer, block_height: integer, entry_index: integer, tx_rid: byte_array, tx_data: byte_array)>